As we look back at our favorite memories of 2024 – one that comes to mind is our clients’ participation in the Special Olympics Basketball tournament in Helena in last November!
It was a very special weekend for our clients and athletes made possible by our amazing, devoted staff and coaches.
Staff member and coach Kirsten Barclay shares “The most memorable part of my Special Olympics trip as a staff member was when an athlete who was nervous or struggling during a game, scored a basket, and the joy of excitement they had by helping their teammates win. Seeing their teammates cheer them on, clapping with excitement, while fellow athletes, volunteers, and the crowd united to support all the athletes was truly special.
The bonds that I made with the athletes are priceless to me and something that I will always cherish. The athletes progressed in all areas of the sport.”
The importance of sports goes far beyond just a win or a loss. The real lessons come from teamwork and connections made. Our athletes gained skills and knowledge on and off the basketball court that will last a lifetime. Staff member Angela Haldane described her time with the athletes at the Special Olympics as “Such an amazing experience. Seeing the smiles on the athletes’ faces, listening to the laughter and excitement and last but not least, watching the athletes work together as a team puts such a big smile on my face and makes me so proud to be a part of the AWARE Vipers team!”
When we reflect on the experience for both the athletes and staff, the joy is evident as Angela relays her most memorable part being “watching the athletes play basketball, learn new skills, play as a team, go up, and collect their medals with the proud smiles on all of their faces.” The joy emanated from all the athletes was an inspiration to all who had the chance to be there.
Kirsten reflects fondly “Over the past few months, I have learned to be patient, open minded, and enter the situation with the idea that not only you will learn something new but also the athletes. Just like the athletes, I learned that if I do not know the answer to ask questions, there is never a dumb question. Never give up on something, when life gets hard, life isn't about winning or losing! And just encouraging the athletes to be the best that they can be and to value respect and fairness.”
Participating in this Special Olympics tournament gave staff and clients an opportunity to bond and grow in new ways. Angela shared the impact this experience had for her and her clients, “Special Olympics gave our clients the opportunity to boost self-esteem, confidence, and a chance to improve social skills and overall sense of empowerment.”
When clients were asked what their favorite part of competing in Special Olympics was, they echoed the value of being with friends and teammates. Our athletes showed pride in their hard work and loved playing with their friends. Hanging out with friends, playing basketball, and winning medals brought our AWARE team closer together, while working towards goals of empowerment and confidence through basketball.
We are so proud of the hard work of our clients and staff that made this opportunity possible. An extra special thank you goes out to our Best Day Ever donors—BDE funds helped cover additional expenses associated with this trip and experience. Interested in helping to create more experiences and memories like this? Support us by donating today!