In early May, AWARE participated in five giving days in communities around Montana: Greater Helena Gives, Missoula Gives, Give Great Falls, Give Big Gallatin Valley and Yellowstone Valley Gives. Across the state, millions of dollars were raised for thousands of organizations.
We are proud to say that we beat our goal of $10,000. Thanks to the generosity of nearly 50 people across the state of Montana and a few friends from out of state, AWARE raised over $11,000 in one week of giving!
During the course of the week, we had the opportunity share about AWARE and reach a network of people who weren’t familiar with AWARE prior to the Giving Days festivities. Half of those who made a donation to AWARE during Giving Days were first-time donors to our organization. We are so excited to thank and welcome both longstanding and new friends of AWARE. Every dollar raised makes a difference.
The funds raised during Giving Days will help fund things like garden supplies, bikes, helmets, basketballs and hoops, furniture and activities passes for the people we serve. All these things afford them the opportunity to develop and practice important skills, foster connection and support their work to live independently. On behalf of everyone at AWARE and the people we serve, THANK YOU for your support and generosity.
If you missed out on donating during Giving Days, you’re in luck. You may donate any time at or by contacting Brynn Molloy at All donations to AWARE are 100 percent tax-deductible and directly help Montanans work, play and live independently at home in Montana.