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AWARE Ink Newsletter


Faith's Journey: A Story of Resilience and Growth

Updated: Jun 6


Faith was born in Seattle, Washington. She has several siblings. Tragically, her father passed away before she was born. Her family faced many hardships, and her mother, who also endured three instances of domestic violence and suffers from PTSD, struggled to care for her. In March 2019, Faith was removed from her mother due to neglect and homelessness and was placed in foster care at the age of 14. She has a little brother in Billings, Montana, while her mother remains in Seattle. Faith’s journey with AWARE began when she was referred at the age of 15 due to concerning behaviors while at a group home in Great Falls.

Challenges and Triumphs:

While in foster care, Faith faced numerous challenges, including psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations, not taking her medications, and wandering away from her foster home. In May 2020, she went missing for a few hours and was subsequently taken to the Billings clinic for acute stabilization. Due to ongoing issues, she moved between various foster and group homes and spent some time at Shodair Children's Hospital. Despite these challenges, Faith demonstrated remarkable resilience.

AWARE’s Support:

Faith has been with AWARE since 2020. Our team has provided her with the stability and support she needed to thrive. With AWARE’s help, Faith completed high school and developed important life skills, such as managing money and socializing with peers. She has also learned to use public transportation independently and works collaboratively with staff when issues arise.

Accomplishments and Future Plans:

Faith's accomplishments are numerous and inspiring. She has persevered through adversity and maintained a positive outlook. She has successfully graduated from high school, a milestone she is particularly proud of. Looking ahead, Faith aspires to become a cosmetologist and live independently. Her dream is to move on to college to study cosmetology, eventually move into her own home, and continue to build a fulfilling life.

Inspirational Impact:

Faith’s journey has been inspirational to all who have worked with her. Her ability to remain positive and persevere through difficult circumstances is a testament to her strength and determination. The team at AWARE hopes that she continues to meet her goals and maintains her growth and positivity.

Faith’s Perspective:

When asked what AWARE means to her, Faith described it as a source of shelter, family, and a chance to change her life. She credits AWARE with helping her reach her goals by supporting her education, teaching her life skills, and helping her manage money and socialize with peers.


Her favorite color is pink or blue, and she loves shopping and listening to all kinds of music, especially Taylor Swift’s album "Lover." What makes her happiest are the people around her, including her mom, family, and the staff at Little Belts.

Looking to the Future:

Faith’s goals for the future are clear: she wants to continue her education in cosmetology, live independently, and build a life she can be proud of. Her favorite memory so far is her recent high school graduation, a testament to her hard work and determination. Faith’s story is one of resilience, growth, and hope. With the support of AWARE, she has overcome significant challenges and is on a path to a bright and independent future.


We are so proud of Faith and grateful to be a part of her story. Her journey is a powerful reminder of the impact that compassionate support and determination can have on a person’s life.


This story shared with Faith’s permission.

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