Our heroes aren’t always born as such. Many are forged as a result of extreme circumstances. They’ve been faced with an immense challenge, and they have risen to the occasion. They chose to lean into their courage and use every ounce of strength they have to push the boundaries for a better outcome. They’re called heroes because they’re resilient. We look up to them for their sheer tenacity and willingness to do the right thing – even when it’s frequently the most difficult choice.

It’s challenging to put the needs of others before your own, but it’s certainly worth the effort because it’s part of a greater purpose. The truth is, we’re all heroes in a way. We help people live independent lives – in the face of adversity - and without your dedication that wouldn’t be a reality for many.
Inspired by all of you, we are highlighting those who have gone above and beyond in their duties. They have risen to the challenge, and they continue to serve our mission despite everything this pandemic has thrown at us.
This month’s Healthcare Hero goes to Stacey Kummer, an RN for AWARE’s PACT Team.
Stacey has proudly served on AWARE’s PACT team since its inception a few years ago. She has been steadfast in her commitment to clients and coworkers. There’s not a thing she wouldn’t do to help out those around her. She maintains a great relationship with clients and hands out their medication on a daily basis. For some, she provides twice-daily medication prompts, and she has even been known to drive out of her way (and out of town) to pick up a pet for one of her clients.
She always makes herself available, tending to the needs of clients and the team, so they can be successful in their work. She has driven from grocery store to grocery store looking for specific items, and she has even helped a client when the roof structure on his home was failing (See Myron’s story). She dug deep and was able to find a solution, which provided the client with a solution free of charge before the next storm.
Stacey, you are a true Healthcare Hero! Thank you for your dedication and relentless commitment to helping people live independent lives. We are truly grateful for everything you do!
If you know of someone who should be recognized as the next Healthcare Hero, please send a tip to Bryon Higgins at bhiggins@aware-inc.org.