AWARE’s PACT team offers a wraparound approach to mental health care. Our team provides medication management, individual and group therapy, substance use therapy, vocational rehabilitation services, community resource services, peer support, and nursing services. We provide clients the services they need to ensure they are able to manage their mental illness in a community setting.
This month, we are excited to introduce you to Jordan. Jordan has an incredible story. We are grateful for his willingness to share with us!
Jordan came to AWARE in September 2023. Over the last year, he has made huge strides in his mental health and chemical dependence.
When Jordan first came to PACT, he suffered with chemical dependence, was missing therapy appointments, licensed addiction group meetings, and his medication management appointments Jordan was court ordered to attend Behavioral Health Court and stand in front of the Judge and his peers every week. Jordan struggled with the expectations of these meetings, to the point that the Judge was going to kick him out of BHC, and he was on the brink of being discharged from AWARE’s PACT services.
At the end of April, 2024, the PACT Team Lead, Jordan’s case manager, and his licensed addiction counselor (LAC) met with him tohim to explain that at this point his only option was to go to inpatient therapy. Jordan did not take this well. After the meeting, he immediately turned to drugs. After he used, he called the PACT Team Lead bravely asking for the help he needed. PACT had him come in for an emergency therapy session and there he agreed that he did need to go to treatment.
Jordan did 45 days in inpatient therapy and came back a new person. He has been sober now for just shy of 150 days. These 150 days have not been easy for him by any means. After returning from treatment, Jordan became a father to a baby girl. She weighed less than 4 pounds and born addicted to meth. Jordan watched his baby detox over the next 2 days. Jordan successfully coped with the stress and uncertainty using the strength and determination he gained during therapy. Jordan gained full guardianship of his daughter, and has dedicated his sobriety to not just himself, but for his daughter. We are happy to report that she is a healthy happy baby.
Behavior health court goes in 3 phases. You phase up when you are compliant and working on your program. Jordan went from Phase 1 (which he was on for over 250 days) to Phase 2 in Behavioral Health Court and was awarded August’s Participant of the Month. He is an inspiring, positive example to all participants on how impatient therapy and commitment to their treatment can benefit and change their lives. Jordan is focused on staying sober by attending NA Groups and Intensive Outpatient Groups/Therapy. Jordan has expressed over the last few weeks that he is interested in becoming a Peer Support in the future. He wants to help others while continuing to work on himself.
Jordan is a testament to the positive impact PACT can have in the lives of our clients. We are so proud of Jordan and his commitment to changing his behaviors for both him and his daughter.
More about PACT:
AWARE’s PACT team serves the Helena area. The PACT model to treating severe and persistent mental illness and co-occurring disorders is proven to be effective in keeping individuals at home and in the community and reducing the rate of commitment to inpatient facilities.
PACT offers intensive care with the goal of increasing independence, stability, and ability to functioning within the community as well as decreasing the frequency and duration of hospitalization, crisis services, and incarceration.
We meet with clients in the community, including client homes, public parks, coffee shops, public libraries, doctor’s offices, social service agencies, and homeless shelters. Each person is met on a case-by-case basis with needs determining services.
To be eligible, a person should have a severe disabling mental illness (SDMI) diagnosis or be willing to complete a comprehensive clinical assessment with our clinical team.
Call 406.449.3120 with questions or to make an appointment.