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AWARE Ink Newsletter

One simple way YOU can make a difference


Updated: Dec 28, 2021

In 2020 AWARE supporters helped us serve 4,100 people. In 2021, thanks to the generosity of many, AWARE is on track to surpass that number as we soar toward helping nearly 5,000 people across all 56 counties in Montana. The worldwide pandemic has not slowed us down. In fact, it’s done quite the opposite.

Despite the challenges we are all facing, and with a big thanks to you, people like Troy (as seen in our September newsletter) are thriving. He’s moved into a farmhouse and has raised a garden along with several chickens. Soon he hopes to have a few horses to care for as well. He’s meeting his goals and pushing the boundaries of his own definition of independence.

We really love being able to share stories like Troy’s. It makes our hearts sing and with your help more people like Troy can reach for the stars as they seek to gain independence in their own lives.

The harsh reality, though, is that workforce shortages are having a direct impact on people like Troy. It’s a real crisis for our state, but you can help.

We’ve already increased wages across the board – and now – we need your help to increase access to childcare.

The fact is, when people don’t have quality, affordable childcare, they choose to stay home instead of helping people like Troy.

Bottom line – with your help, we can build a childcare scholarship fund that helps recruit and retain qualified and dedicated stewards of independence. It allows us to reopen programs and reduce waiting lists to services due to severe workforce shortages.

In 2020, thanks to a very generous gift, we were able to pilot this scholarship fund idea. It provided nearly 100 employees with $500 scholarships to help ease the burden of childcare expenses. It was an overwhelming success! Now, we are turning to you.

We urge you to consider making a substantial gift to grow the Childcare Scholarship Fund. Whether you give $25, $100 or $1,000, your gift will truly make a difference. You will help us conquer the workforce crisis. Your donation today, helps us continue writing more stories like Troy’s!

We have two simple ways for you to make your tax-deductible gift. You may donate online at or send cash or check directly to AWARE at 205 E. Park Ave, Anaconda, MT 59711.

With much gratitude,

Matt Bugni, CEO

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