Our heroes have the courage and strength to push the boundaries. They’re given the title because they have proven their greatness. We look up to them for their sheer tenacity and willingness to do the right thing – even when it’s frequently the most difficult choice.

We don’t need to remind you how challenging it is to put the needs of others before your own. We know it’s certainly worth the effort (it’s part of a greater purpose). The truth is, we’re all heroes in a way. We help people live independent lives – in the face of adversity - and without your dedication that wouldn’t be a reality for many.
Inspired by all of you, we are highlighting those who have gone above and beyond in their duties. They have risen to the challenge, and they continue to serve our mission despite everything this pandemic has thrown at us.
This month’s Healthcare Hero goes to Emily Cuyle, Child Care Partnership Coordinator for our Early Childhood Services. Emily has been known to contribute to aspects of work beyond her daily duties. She’s constantly helping out the team, filling in where necessary. She’s volunteered to fill classroom shifts during shortages, and she is very thoughtful about her work with our childcare partners. She dedicates a lot of her time supporting teachers in all aspects of their Child Development Associate (CDA) certification.
Even more, she offers various perspectives, helping families and children come up with creative and alternative solutions depending on their individual needs. Emily always brings her sense of humor to work and adds a lightness that everyone around her appreciates. Rumor has it, she even brings the best snacks to share.
Emily, you are a Healthcare Hero! Thank you for your dedication and relentless commitment to helping people live independent lives. We are truly grateful for everything you do!
If you know of someone who should be recognized as the next Healthcare Hero, please send a tip to Bryon Higgins at bhiggins@aware-inc.org.